Saturday, October 26, 2013

Decorate a Pumpkin!

Decorate a pumpkin! 
  • Cut a large pumpkin shape from orange paper - use construction paper or poster-board
  • cut out a green or brown stem 
  • cut several curly vines and a few leaves
  • cut two eyes, one nose, a mouth and two eyebrows from bright yellow paper
Put the orange pumpkin up on a board.  On the back of the stem, vines, leaves, eyes, noes, etc. write a page number of the songs you would like to sing during singing time.  Encourage reverent singing.  Choose children that sing and are reverently singing to help decorate the pumpkin after each song.  You can ask teachers to help you choose the children.  Use enough items to decorate with as you have songs.  Make sure you get the face completed by the end of singing time.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Singing Time Apron

This is a fun way to teach, review or have choosing time.  You will need an apron.  If you want to make one, sew 8 or more pockets on it.  If you don't make one, any apron will do and you will need 8 or more large safety pins.

On slips of paper, write the titles of songs you would like to review or songs the children love to sing including action songs.  If you are teaching a new song, write one phrase per slip of paper. 

If your apron has several pockets, fold the slips of paper and put them in the pockets.  If your apron has no pockets, fold each slip of paper and with a safety pin, pin each piece on to the apron.

Put the apron on and explain to the children that you are wearing your "singing time" apron.  Choose a child to pick a pocket or unpin a paper.  Sing the song or phrase.  Continue until all the papers have been chosen - or you run out of time.

If you have a holiday apron, use it at that time of year.  A Christmas apron is especially fun for the holidays and Christmas songs.