Here is a different twist for reviewing songs:
You will need:
- a large map of the Holy Lands - most ward libraries have a large one
- on the same size of paper as the map, draw a brief sketch of your neighborhood, include:
- a few street names
- ward meetinghouse
- school
- land marks in your area - gas stations, grocery stores, parks, etc.
Keep your map simple. The children just need to recognize their neighborhood.
Show the children the areas that Jesus taught in his life time, Bethlehem, Galilee, etc. Show the children where
they walk, play, visit. Choose some songs that you would like to review. As you sing the song (or verse), ask the children to listen to the words and tell what message they learn about Jesus or what He would have us do. Then ask them where, in their neighborhood, they could share that message or how they could be an example.
- "I Will Follow God's Plan" p. 164
- "holding fast to His word and His love . . ." - Study the scriptures at home and at church
- "I will be happy . . ." - Be cheerful at school, home, playground, etc.
- "My life is a gift . . ." - always give thanks for our lives when we pray - at home, school, anywhere
- "I Stand All Amazed" # 193
- "I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me." - Show gratitude for Christ's love by loving our family, neighbors, anyone we come in contact with.
- "that for me, a sinner, He suffered, He bled and died . . ." - Be the best you can be in all situations because of what Christ did for us.
- "He Sent His Son" p. 34
- "How could the father tell the world of love and tenderness . . ." p. 34 - Show kindness, love and tenderness to our family members, our friends, teacher, coach, people who help us at the store.
- "live like His son. . ." - Make good choices on the playground, at church, with our family and friends.
As the children share their thoughts, put a mark on the map where their ideas may take place: at home, at church, on the playground, etc. See how many marks they can have on the map by the end of singing time. Show them how they are being Christ-like throughout the neighborhood just as Christ did in His ministry throughout the Holy Lands.