Find several pictures of prophets through the ages, including Pres. Monson, and place them for the children to see.
Sing the first verse and chorus of Follow the Prophet, p. 110. Tell them about General conference next week and ask them why we have Conference. (Answers will vary) Sing the chorus again.
Ask the children to look at the pictures and think about the following questions:
- Can you name one of the prophets?
- Did they speak to the people of their time?
- Were they accepted well or did the people try to kill them?
- Can you think of any prophets that were killed by the unbelievers?
- Why do we have prophets?
- Can we learn from ancient prophets like Alma, Abinidi, Nephi, Moses, Abraham, etc.?
- What do learn from Joseph Smith?
- What can we learn from Pres. Monson?
You can come up with your own questions and add to the list.
Intersperse the questions with the following songs:
- Follow the Prophet, p. 110 (sing one verse at a time)
- Latter-day Prophets p. 134
- Stand for the Right p. 159
- Keep the Commandments p.146
- We'll Bring the World His Truth p.172
- Choose the Right hymn # 239
- Book of Mormon Stories p.118
- End with the last verse of Follow the Prophet p. 110