Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Church of Jesus Christ

"The Church of Jesus Christ," p. 77, helps children understand what it means to be a member of His church.  There are 8 statements and phrases that tell what it means to belong the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

  • Write on the board 1 through 8.
  • Tell the children that there are 8 things that we know or do as members of His church.
  • Ask them to listen as you sing the song and listen for the 8 things.
  • Sing the song
  • List as many things as the children can remember. List them in order so they know if they missed any, then sing it again. (Use one or or two words in each phrase as prompts.)
  • Invite the children to sing with you.  
  • Sing one or two phrases at a time until they can sing the whole song.
  • Repetition is key to learning.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

When He Comes Again

"When He Comes Again," p. 82, is one of the songs to go along with what the children are learning in Primary.

If possible, ask a few children to make/draw pictures of the following:

  • angels singing
  • snow scene
  • spring scene
  • star
  • sun
  • bird in a nest
  • children sitting around Jesus
I like to use children's art where possible because it helps the children be apart of teaching and there is an ownership to the song.  You can always find or draw your own pictures.

  • Put the pictures on the board randomly.
  • sing the song as the children look at the pictures
  • ask the children to help you put them in order as they sing.
  • stop after each phrase to find the picture.
  • Once they are in order sing it again, two or three times
If time permits, begin teaching the 2nd verse.  I teach it by rote - I sing a phrase then they sing it three times.  I sing the next phrase then they sing it twice and the third time we add the previous phrase. Continue in this way until the whole 2nd verse is learned.

Remember to review songs regularly.