Saturday, January 5, 2013

I Am a Child of God - verse 1 and 2

The theme for 2013 is "I Am a Child of God."  Most children know this song.  I am going to challenge the children to learn all 4 verses in sign language and the descant.  The sign language for this song is on the church website.  As a music leader, you must be fluent in the sign language before you teach it to the children.  If sign language is not something you want to do, try teaching them all 4 verses and the descant.

This week, sing the first verse.  Ask the children to answer the following questions using the words or phrases from the song.
  • Who are you?   "I am a child of God."
  • What has God done for you?  1. "He has sent me here." 2. "Has given me an earthly home,"  3. "Parents, kind and dear."
  • What do we need from Him?  1. "lead me," 2. "guide me,"  3."walk beside me,"  4."help me find the way,"  5. "teach me all that I must do to live with Him some day."
Sing the first verse again.
If time permits, do the same thing with the second verse.
  • What are your needs?  (have the children list some of the things we need from God such as good health, knowledge, scriptures, understanding, etc.)
  • Why do we need this now - "before it grows too late"
Sing the second verse and chorus.  Tell them that the chorus is the same after each verse.  Sing both verses and chorus.


  1. Thank you! I am a new primary music leader and I need ideas. I love teaching children but I am not very musically gifted (I can't read music very well and I don't sing in fornt of people, only in the shower ha!) so I'm pretty intimidated by this calling. Thanks for the tips for teaching "I am a Child of God".

  2. Glad to help. If you have questions or requests, don't hesitate to ask and request. I'm not a singer, either, but the kids don't mind.
