Friday, August 23, 2013

Stump the Class

Reviewing songs can become a little boring, so it is our job to liven it up.  Choose one sentence or phrase from each song to be reviewed and write it on a slip of paper.  Fold them up and put them into a container.  Choose a child to pick a paper from the container.  You and the child (and of course the pianist) will know the phrase.  On the board, draw a short line for each letter in the phrase.  Choose 5 children, one at a time, to guess a letter.  If it is in the phrase, write the letter wherever it appears in the phrase.  Hopefully, by the time the 5th child chooses a letter they can guess the phrase.

_ _  _ _ _  _ _ _ _  _ _  _ _ _ _
   e               e            e     e    e
             s   s
h      h                            h

he h_s se_ t   me  he_e
he has sent me here

With the help of teachers, this should be a fun review.  Sing the song once the children have guessed the phrase.

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