Saturday, August 13, 2011

Charade Review

Reviewing songs is difficult because children, and sometimes teachers, don't see the point in it.  Games and activities will certainly take the "boring" out of reviewing. 

Put the title and first line of the songs to review on strips of paper.  Place the strips in a basket or container.  Explain to the children that they are going to act out the title or some part of the song.  The rest of the children will raise their hands and guess what song it is.  Then we will sing the song.  Choose one or two children to come up to the front of the room.  Have them pick a paper out of the basket.  Whisper the title and/or the first line of the song to those who cannot read yet.  Have them go out in the hall for 30 seconds (I time them) to discuss what they will do to get the rest of the children to guess the correct song.  If they have trouble guessing, you can give them hints.  Be sure to watch your time so you sing more than "act out" songs.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sunshine review

Review time for the Sacrament meeting program can be a challenge -- keeping the children's attention, keeping singing time fresh and actually improving the songs.  With August being a warm, sunny month, try this activity:
  • Cut out a large, bright yellow circle for a sun - no smaller than an 8 1/2" in diameter.
  • Cut out at least 12 sun rays.  They can be strips of paper or triangles.  I like to use various colors of yellow and orange.

Place the sun in the middle of the chalk board.  Add a ray every time a song or verse is sung well, memorized or any other improvement.  The goal is to get as many rays around the sun as possible.