Saturday, September 28, 2019


The goal of a review is to "refresh" the song so it "sticks" in the children's minds.

Gather several of the pictures that you have used for each song you would like to review.  This month we have learned "When We're Helping," "A Child's Prayer" and "I know That My Redeemer Lives."

  • Write the titles of the songs you will be reviewing on the board.
  • Place the pictures in random order on the board.  Ask a child to choose a picture. 
  • Ask what song it belongs to.
  • Place the picture under its title
  • Sing the song or verse that the picture reminds us of
  • Choose another child and follow the same procedure
You could also write the titles on paper and tape each to a stick and tape the stick to a large paper bag or basket.  Put the picture that belong to the song in the bag or basket.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

When We're Helping

Service is or should be the very heart of our religion.  It's wonderful to see a group of youth cleaning up and elderly person's yard or sorting can goods at the food bank, or young children along side a parent helping rake leaves or shoveling walks.  When we are helping and serving others, we are happy!

"When We're Helping," p. 198, is a great song to sing when helping others.  Most children are familiar with this song. As you sing it, ask the children to suggest ways we help or serve others and encourage them to report back next week on things that they have done.  Suggest that they sing this song as they help or serve.

Ways to serve/help:

  • pick up toys
  • clean room without being asked
  • help in the kitchen - preparing or cleaning up
  • folding laundry
  • vacuuming, mopping, dusting
  • picking fruit or vegetables for someone
  • racking leaves
  • plus many more . . .

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Child's Prayer

"A Child's Prayer," p. 12, will become one of your primary's all time favorite - if they don't already know it.  The duet is wonderful and fairly easy to learn and sing.

1st verse: I teach this in 2 parts - the question and feeling part and the teaching part.

  • 1st phrase - draw a question mark (?) on the board or paper (large enough for the children to recognize)
  • 2nd phrase - picture of a child praying
  • 3rd phrase - picture of Jesus teaching the disciples
  • 4th phrase - picture of Jesus with children
2nd verse: Make word prompts for each phrase. Several pictures of a child praying helps the non-readers stay focused.
  • "Pray"
  • "Speak"
  • "You are His Child"
  • "Love"
  • "Hears"
  • "Loves"
  • "Kingdom"
Repetition is key to learning. Sing phrases several time, then the entire verse.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

"I Know That My Redeemer Lives"

"I Know That My Redeemer Lives," Hymn # 136, is a favorite of many.  It was included in the first hymnbook compiled by Emma Smith.

The first three lines are sung in unison (melody only).  Each verse states the many blessing of having a resurrected Christ.

The last three lines of the hymn are a bold declaration of the fact that Jesus Christ lives.

If possible, challenge yourself and the children to learn all 4 verses.  Pictures and word prompts will help.

Read through each verse and make note of pictures and words you can use to help the children.  Suggestions:

1st verse

  • Picture of Christ
  • "comfort" use a word prompt or use a small blanket, a hug
  • Picture of Christ by the tomb
  • explain what "ever-living head" means - head of the church, etc.
Sing these first 3 lines several times.
The last three lines repeats "He lives . . ." 4 times.
  • "bless" word strip or picture of Christ blessing the children
  • "to plead"  word strip or picture of Christ in Gethsemane
  • "my hungry soul to feed"  word strip or picture of Christ feeding the 5000
  • "to bless . . . need"  word strip or picture of Christ healing someone
Sing this section several times then the whole hymn.

This may take two weeks to accomplish but reviewing it each week will help the children memorize it.