Saturday, December 14, 2019

Christmas Lullaby's

Lullaby's about the baby Jesus create a reverence this time of year.  There are several lullaby's in the Primary Songbook.  Learn /teach as many as you have time for - the children will love them.

Bring a nativity scene to help set the mood.

Little Jesus  p. 39
The Shepherd's Carol  p. 40
Once within a Lowly stable  p. 41
Away in a Manger  p. 42
Mary's Lullaby  p. 44
Who Is the Child?  p. 46
Sleep, Little Jesus  p. 47
Oh, Hush Thee, My Baby  p. 48

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Decorate the Tree

'Tis the season of Christmas.  Challenge yourself to teach your primary one new Christmas song from the Primary Songbook this year.

Use a Christmas Tree (paper cutout, small artificial, or draw one on the board) to teach the new song.  I like to begin with the last phrase or line.  Sing the phrase once for the children then have them sing it 3 times.  After each time, have a child add an ornament to the tree. 

Then work on the next line from the end of the song in the same fashion, adding an ornament after each time you sing the line.  The third time, finish the song by adding the last line. This way you always review what you have learned.

Continue in the same way until all the lines/phrases are learned.  You can double triple the ornaments to get more on the tree if you would like.  This also gives more children the opportunity to place one on the tree.

Saturday, November 23, 2019


This Sunday is a great day to sing "thankful" or "gratitude" songs.

Ask the children to think of things that they are thankful for.  Have several share one thing then sing a "thankful" song.  (Several are listed below.)

Ask the children to think of ways they can show gratitude.  You may need to share a few examples: thank Mom for fixing dinner or packing your school lunch.  Have several share one thing then sing a "thankful" song.

Continue sharing thankful and gratitude ideas then sing a song.  The hope is that the children will go home singing these songs to help remind them to be grateful.

I Am Glad for Many Things p. 151
For Health and Strength p. 21
I'm Thankful to Be Me p.11
A Song of Thanks p. 20
For Thy Bounteous Blessings p.21
I Think the World Is Glorious p. 230

See "Gratitude" in the topics of "The Children's Songbook" for more songs.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Tell Me, Dear Lord

Seeking the lord's help in all we do is so important to teach children - and we as adults need the reminder. Tell Me, Dear Lord, p. 176, is the perfect teaching tool.

List on the board or make word strips of the following:
(I like using word strips so I can use them again as needed.)

  • Say
  • Do
  • Know and love thy will
  • understand thy loving word
2nd verse:
  • guided
  • hear thy voice
  • obey
  • Know thou art near
  • strength impart
  • banish every fear
Explain to the children that this song is bout asking the Lord to be with us in all we do.  It is important to ask for His help each day to know what He would like us to do or say or how we can help others.

Ask the children to count or listen for the many ways we can ask for Heavenly Father's help to guide us each day as you sing through the song.

Using the word strips as prompts, have the children sing the song with you as you point to the words.

Sing the song several times.  You can mix up the words on the board and have the children put them in order.  OR, give the word strips to the children and have them bring them up as they sing them.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Search, Ponder & Pray

We have been studying The New Testament in Come Follow Me this year. Teaching the children to "Search, Ponder & Pray" is critical to understanding the scriptures.  This song, p. 109, is a perfect teaching tool.

Sing the song for the children.
Ask the children what it means to search the scriptures.

  • It could mean to understand the scriptures
  • It could mean to read the scriptures
  • It could mean to tell favorite scripture stories
  • It could mean to explain the scriptures
Ask what ponder means.
  • Think about
  • write in a journal questions and thoughts about the scriptures
  • Talk about them
Sing the first verse, then have the children sing it with you.

Ask the children why it is important to pray about the scriptures.
  • Pray to understand the scriptures
  • Pray to know that they are true
  • Pray that the scriptures will help you make good decisions
Sing the second verse, then have the children sing it with you.

Sing the chorus and then have the children sing it with you.

After they have sung the song a few times, ask again why it is important to search, ponder and pray about the scriptures.  Use some of the phrases in the song to answer that question.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Church of Jesus Christ

"The Church of Jesus Christ," p. 77, helps children understand what it means to be a member of His church.  There are 8 statements and phrases that tell what it means to belong the the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

  • Write on the board 1 through 8.
  • Tell the children that there are 8 things that we know or do as members of His church.
  • Ask them to listen as you sing the song and listen for the 8 things.
  • Sing the song
  • List as many things as the children can remember. List them in order so they know if they missed any, then sing it again. (Use one or or two words in each phrase as prompts.)
  • Invite the children to sing with you.  
  • Sing one or two phrases at a time until they can sing the whole song.
  • Repetition is key to learning.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

When He Comes Again

"When He Comes Again," p. 82, is one of the songs to go along with what the children are learning in Primary.

If possible, ask a few children to make/draw pictures of the following:

  • angels singing
  • snow scene
  • spring scene
  • star
  • sun
  • bird in a nest
  • children sitting around Jesus
I like to use children's art where possible because it helps the children be apart of teaching and there is an ownership to the song.  You can always find or draw your own pictures.

  • Put the pictures on the board randomly.
  • sing the song as the children look at the pictures
  • ask the children to help you put them in order as they sing.
  • stop after each phrase to find the picture.
  • Once they are in order sing it again, two or three times
If time permits, begin teaching the 2nd verse.  I teach it by rote - I sing a phrase then they sing it three times.  I sing the next phrase then they sing it twice and the third time we add the previous phrase. Continue in this way until the whole 2nd verse is learned.

Remember to review songs regularly.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


The goal of a review is to "refresh" the song so it "sticks" in the children's minds.

Gather several of the pictures that you have used for each song you would like to review.  This month we have learned "When We're Helping," "A Child's Prayer" and "I know That My Redeemer Lives."

  • Write the titles of the songs you will be reviewing on the board.
  • Place the pictures in random order on the board.  Ask a child to choose a picture. 
  • Ask what song it belongs to.
  • Place the picture under its title
  • Sing the song or verse that the picture reminds us of
  • Choose another child and follow the same procedure
You could also write the titles on paper and tape each to a stick and tape the stick to a large paper bag or basket.  Put the picture that belong to the song in the bag or basket.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

When We're Helping

Service is or should be the very heart of our religion.  It's wonderful to see a group of youth cleaning up and elderly person's yard or sorting can goods at the food bank, or young children along side a parent helping rake leaves or shoveling walks.  When we are helping and serving others, we are happy!

"When We're Helping," p. 198, is a great song to sing when helping others.  Most children are familiar with this song. As you sing it, ask the children to suggest ways we help or serve others and encourage them to report back next week on things that they have done.  Suggest that they sing this song as they help or serve.

Ways to serve/help:

  • pick up toys
  • clean room without being asked
  • help in the kitchen - preparing or cleaning up
  • folding laundry
  • vacuuming, mopping, dusting
  • picking fruit or vegetables for someone
  • racking leaves
  • plus many more . . .

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Child's Prayer

"A Child's Prayer," p. 12, will become one of your primary's all time favorite - if they don't already know it.  The duet is wonderful and fairly easy to learn and sing.

1st verse: I teach this in 2 parts - the question and feeling part and the teaching part.

  • 1st phrase - draw a question mark (?) on the board or paper (large enough for the children to recognize)
  • 2nd phrase - picture of a child praying
  • 3rd phrase - picture of Jesus teaching the disciples
  • 4th phrase - picture of Jesus with children
2nd verse: Make word prompts for each phrase. Several pictures of a child praying helps the non-readers stay focused.
  • "Pray"
  • "Speak"
  • "You are His Child"
  • "Love"
  • "Hears"
  • "Loves"
  • "Kingdom"
Repetition is key to learning. Sing phrases several time, then the entire verse.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

"I Know That My Redeemer Lives"

"I Know That My Redeemer Lives," Hymn # 136, is a favorite of many.  It was included in the first hymnbook compiled by Emma Smith.

The first three lines are sung in unison (melody only).  Each verse states the many blessing of having a resurrected Christ.

The last three lines of the hymn are a bold declaration of the fact that Jesus Christ lives.

If possible, challenge yourself and the children to learn all 4 verses.  Pictures and word prompts will help.

Read through each verse and make note of pictures and words you can use to help the children.  Suggestions:

1st verse

  • Picture of Christ
  • "comfort" use a word prompt or use a small blanket, a hug
  • Picture of Christ by the tomb
  • explain what "ever-living head" means - head of the church, etc.
Sing these first 3 lines several times.
The last three lines repeats "He lives . . ." 4 times.
  • "bless" word strip or picture of Christ blessing the children
  • "to plead"  word strip or picture of Christ in Gethsemane
  • "my hungry soul to feed"  word strip or picture of Christ feeding the 5000
  • "to bless . . . need"  word strip or picture of Christ healing someone
Sing this section several times then the whole hymn.

This may take two weeks to accomplish but reviewing it each week will help the children memorize it.

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Lord Gave Me a Temple

This month, August 2019, the theme in The Friend, as well as The New Era and Ensign, is the importance of our mortal body.  In the song,"The Lord Gave Me a Temple," p. 153, it compares our body to the temple.  Use theses publications as a resource in teaching the song.

Choose a picture of a Temple - line drawing or of a temple near you.
Use a picture of children or a boy and a girl or a child dressed in white before baptism.  A bride and groom in front of a temple could also be used.

Display the pictures that you have chosen.

Tell the children that inside the temple everything is clean and beautiful and there is a reverent atmosphere there as well.  Our bodies are the "temple" of our spirit.  Heavenly Father wanted our bodies to be clean so our spirits could live there- both our minds and physical bodies.

How can we keep our bodies healthy, clean and pure for our spirits?
(Let the children give suggestions on keeping their bodies clean and healthy.)

Sing "The Lord Gave Me a Temple" or use a recording of it.  Ask them to listen for rhymes in the song.

  • Sing the first 2 1/2 lines.
  • point out the rhyming words
  • Ask the children to sing with you (3 times)
  • Where did we live before our birth?  Heaven
  • Why do we call our body a "temple?"
  • Sing the last 2 1/2 lines
  • Ask the children to sing with you (3 times)
  • What can we do to keep our bodies "bright?"
  • sing the whole first verse
Second verse - Sing the second verse.
  • What ways can we protect our bodies?  Listen to the second verse. (keep it clean, pure and habit-free)
  • sing the last 2 1/2 lines
  • What does heavenly father promise us if we keep our bodies clean and pure? (I'll live in celestial glory and live in heaven.)
  • Sing the last 2 1/2 lines - 3 times with the children
Review this song again next week.

The Holy Ghost

"The Holy Ghost," p. 105, introduces and explains the Holy Ghost in simple and meaningful way.  The rhyming words are helpful in teaching this song.

First verse - sing it for the children. (If some children know it, invite them to sing along.)  Tell the children that Jesus promised to send "the comforter" or Holy Ghost after Christ was crucified.  The Holy Ghost would be a comforter to us and guide us to do what is right.

  • Sing the 1st two lines
  • Ask the children to sing it with you
  • What words rhyme? (send and friend)
  • Sing it with the children 3 times
  • Sing the last two lines
  • To add emphasis to the 3rd line, sing it softly.
  • What words rhyme? (voice and rejoice)  

Follow the same pattern for the second verse.  Be sure to sing each section at least 3 times.  Challenge the children to sing it at home.

*Check out other posts of this song for more ideas.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

When I Am Baptized

"When I Am Baptized," p, 103, was written by a friend of mine.  She played the piano beautifully and always willing to share her talent.  I'm so gald that she shared this beautiful song with us.

Use pictures to help teach this song to the children.  I like to ask the children, ahead of time, to draw the pictures for me.  You can always find and/or draw your own.

First verse:

  • rainbow
  • rain (raindrops or clouds with drops falling from them)
  • the earth
Second verse:
  • a child being baptized
  • picture of a child
  • show or point to the rain and earth
  • show or point to the child and a picture of Jesus
Sing each verse several times then add the chorus.  Repetition is the key to learning and remembering the words.  Encourage the children to teach these songs to their family.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

I Know My Father Lives

The last song for July 2019 is "I Know My Father Lives," p. 5.  This is a powerful song that teaches the children (actually, all of us) that our Heavenly father loves each of us and "whispers" to us through the Holy Ghost.  Help the children understand that "the Spirit" is the Holy Ghost.

Sing the first verse for the children.

  • What do we know about Heavenly Father?
    • He lives
    • He loves me
  • How do we know this?
    • The Holy Ghost whispers this
    • He tells us it is true
Sing each phrase and then have the children sing it a few times until they know the entire verse.

Sing the second verse.
  • Why did Heavenly Father send us here to earth?
    • to learn faith
    • to live His plan

  • How do we know this?
      • The Holy Ghost whispers this
      • He tells us that we can follow His plan
    Sing each phrase and then have the children sing it a few times until they know the entire verse.

    Saturday, July 20, 2019

    Our Heritage

    This time of year I think it is important to remember those who sacrificed so The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints could spread throughout the world.  Regardless of whether you have ancestors who crossed the plains or where among the first branches all over the world, we thank them for their sacrifices.

    Choose a few songs from the "Heritage" section of the Primary Children's Songbook, p.214 - 223.

    Ask the children, and teachers if they know of any stories about their ancestors becoming members of the church.

    Read the words of the songs and ask what sacrifices the pioneer children made to leave their homes and walk hundreds of miles.

    Sing some of the songs.
    Remember to review the songs that you have been teaching.

    Saturday, July 13, 2019

    I'll Walk with You

    I'll Walk with You, p.140, teaches us that Jesus loves everyone. We are all different. Ask the children what makes them different than someone else.

    • different hair color
    • like/dislike sports
    • dancer, musician
    • likes animals
    • loves to read
    Sometimes children are born without arms, legs, blind or deaf.  Sometimes there is an accident and a child will be in a wheel chair the rest of his life.  Jesus loves us no matter what and we must love others as Jesus does.

    Sing each phrase and then have the children sing it with you a few times, then sing the next phrase, etc.

    You could make word strips of "I won't" and "I will" to hold up when it is sung.

    conclude by telling the children that no mater what, Jesus love each of us.

    Saturday, July 6, 2019

    Stand for the Right

    This song will be a favorite for the children.  Sing it often to remind them of the importance of being true.  The following are some visualize that will help as you teach the song.

    • picture of our prophet
    • picture of someone working (at the office, in the yard, etc.)
    • picture of children playing
    • "Be true" written on a word strip
    Sing the song.
    Sing the first line and a half.  Have the children sing it with you a few times.

    Sing the last line and a half.  Have the children sing it with you a few times.

    Ask the following questions:
    • What are the words that the prophet has for us?
    • How many times do we sing Be true?
    • What is the last phrase that we sing?
    Sing the song again if the children need help answering the questions.

    Saturday, June 29, 2019

    Take Time to Review

    This is a 5th week and I try to use it as a review week.  Since January we have learned/reviewed 18 songs.  If you sing each of them, it will take up your entire singing time.  Look at the list and choose 9 songs that the children could use sing once or twice. 

    • Cut out 9 stars (I use red, white and blue colors)
    • Write on song title on each star
    • Tape them to the board
    • Choose a child to pick one
    • Sing the song or ask if anyone can sing the first line - then sing the whole song with the children
    *I make note if there are any songs that need more work for another singing time.

    Saturday, June 15, 2019

    Behold the Great Redeemer Die

    We have the great opportunity to teach children the hymns.  Where will they learn them if we don't teach them in Primary and at home.  Yes, some of them are difficult to learn and understand - even for adults, but we must still do our best.

    Behold the Great Redeemer Die, # 191, is a beautiful hymn about the Savior's crucifixion, resurrection and the meaning of the sacrament. 

    Teach phrase by phrase by singing each each one and then have the children sing it with you a few times.  The repeated phrase at the end will be the easiest.  Explain each phrase after you sing it.  Perhaps some of the children could also explain the meaning.  Repetition is by far the best way to learn a song. 

    I like to teach the first and fifth verses.  All 5 verses are important to understand the full meaning of the sacrament and the gift that Christ unselfishly gave to each of us.  Never forget the verses beyond the ones written in the staff!  Often times they are the best!

    The 5th verse tells about the triumph over death.  Sing it boldly with joy and love, just as Christ would love to hear it sung.  Use a pictures of Christ in Gethsemane, on the cross and the resurrection.  These pictures will help the children visualize what they are singing about.

    *** Look up "Did Jesus Really Live Again" on this blog for ideas to teach this song.

    Saturday, June 1, 2019

    Love One Another

    "Love One Another," p. 136, is the perfect song to teach children about love.  In fact, it is used 4 times in 4 lines.  The phrase "love one another" is sung 3 times.

    If this is new to your primary, sing each line and then have the children sing it with you 3 times.  Sing the whole song and ask the children to hold up one finger every time they sing "love."

    Once they know the song, try teaching them the sign language on page 137.  This will help seal the words in their minds.

    Ask the ward music director to sing this hymns in Sacrament meeting sometime this month.  This is a great way to reinforce learning in primary.

    Saturday, May 25, 2019

    Review Songs

    The three songs this month remind all of us of the importance of keeping commandments, treasuring our families and knowing who we are.

    Use the following songs to answer the questions below:

    • Keep the Commandments, p. 146
    • Families Can Be Together Forever, p. 188
    • I Am a Child of God, p. 2
    On slips of paper write the following questions and place them in a bag or basket for the children to pick from.

    • Who am I?  p. 2
    • Each of us were born into a __________. p. 188
    • What has Heavenly Father given us to help us return to Him?  p. 146
    • What does keeping the commandments do for us?  p. 146  (safety)
    • If we keep the commandments, what will happen with our families in heaven?  p. 188  (forever)
    • What did Heavenly Father give us when we were born?  p. 2
    Sing the song after the question is asked and have the children listen for the answer.

    Feel free to add more questions.

    You may want to review any songs that you have learned if time permits.

    Friday, May 17, 2019


    Father's Day is a month away.  We have a tendency to make more of Mother's Day.  There a several great "Father's" songs in the Primary Songbook that have some great messages about our fathers.  Let's learn some!

    "Fathers" p. 209

    • picture of a home (house)
    • picture of a church
    • picture of God the Father and His son, Jesus (first vision)
    Sing the first verse.  Point out the rhyming words - family/me and light/right
    Sing it three times with the children.

    Sing the second verse.  Rhyming words are - care/there and needs/deeds
    Sing it three times with the children.

    Sing the third verse.   Rhyming words are - call/all and One/Son
    Sing it three times with the children.

    • Sing the chorus
    • "Special" is used twice in the first phrase.  
      • fathers are special
      • they have a special love
    • I use a word strip for the next phrase to help everyone remember the order
      • watch - protect
      • guide - direct
    • The last phrase, point up to heaven
    Sing it three times with the children.

    Now try the whole song!

    Saturday, May 11, 2019

    Mother's Day

    This is a great day to sing to sing about Mother's and families in general.  Choose songs that the children will enjoy singing and perhaps even go home singing them.

    • Happy Family p. 198
    • Mother Dear p. 206
    • Love Is Spoken Here p. 190
    • The Dearest Name p. 208
    • When We're Helping p. 198
    Suggest to the children that they find a way to serve their mothers and family.

    Saturday, April 27, 2019

    Match Up Review

    Take time to review.  The best way to memorize is to repeat or practice it many times over time.  We only work with the children once a week so it's important to review songs, especially new ones, many times.

    Using all the pictures and prompts from the songs that we've worked on this month, put them in a box or bag.

    • Write the titles of the following songs across the board:
      • Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
      • Faith
      • Jesus Has Risen
      • Did You Think to Pray
      • I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus
    • Ask one or two children to each pull out a picture.
    • Have them place them under the song that matches the picture or prompt
    • If they belong to the same song, sing that song.  If they don't, choose two more children to pick two more pictures and follow the same procedure.
    Hopefully, you will sing the songs more than once.

    Saturday, April 20, 2019

    Jesus Has Risen

    What a great day to teach "Jesus Has Risen," pg. 70!  This is an easy song to teach - 1 verse.

    • Sing it through once.
    • Ask how many times they heard the phrase "Jesus has risen?" (3)
    • Sing it again and have them count as you sing.
    • Sing the first 4 phrases then have them sing with you.
    • Sing the last 2 lines.
    • Tell the children that "Jesus has risen, Savior divine" is repeated.
    • At Easter we should all sing praises to Jesus and that's what we are doing in this song.
    • Sing the last 2 lines with the children.
    • Sing the whole song several times as time permits
    If you have time, review songs that you have taught so the children will remember them.

    I love to hear the children as they meet their parents after church, singing the songs we have sung in primary.  You make a difference!

    Saturday, April 6, 2019


    What a great opportunity to teach children about faith.  Both verses of "Faith," p. 96, are powerful yet explained simply.

    1st verse pictures:

    • sun or sunrise
    • child praying and/or picture of an ear
    • a seed, package of seeds, or picture of a seed
    • small plant
    • heart shape
    • shield with CTR on it
    2nd verse pictures/words
    • picture of a cloud and Jesus
    • word strip "I can return"
    • word strip "trust in God"
    • word strip "in Christ"
    • word strip "strengthened
    • word strip "I feel it grow"
    • word strip "obey"
    The 1st verse will be easy to teach because the pictures stick in the minds of the children.  The 2nd verse teaches the doctrine.  With repetition, the children will love this verse.  The words will help your readers and teachers.  Sing each phrase several times before moving to the next phrase.

    Saturday, March 30, 2019

    General Conference Review

    Review the songs that you learned this month, especially the songs with more than one verse.  Incorporate preparation for General Conference by using the following activity:

    Sing "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus."

    • How can I be more like Jesus by listening/watching Conference?
    • What can I do to be more like Jesus during Conference?
    Sing "Did You Think to Pray."
    • How does prayer help you prepare for Conference?
    • How does prayer help those who speak or sing in conference?
    • What can I pray for before I listen/watch Conference?
    Sing "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus."
    • What can I learn about Jesus when I listen to Conference?
    • How can I help others learn about Jesus?
    • How can I be more like Jesus?

    Saturday, March 23, 2019

    "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus"

    "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus," p. 57, has been sung by children for many years.  Read through the words and choose pictures that illustrate the stories that are mentioned in the song.

    • Jesus surrounded by children
    • Jesus by the sea
    • Jesus calming the tempest at sea
    You can also use word strips to prompt the children.  

    The 3rd verse uses words that the children probably won't be familiar with.
    • "Tell me, in accents of wonder, how rolled the sea," means: tell me all about the story of Jesus calming the sea.
    • "Chided the billow's and hushed the wind."  means: commanded the waves "billows" and the wind to be calm.
    Always help the children to understand what they are singing.

    If you are learning all 3 verses, be sure to review each week so everyone remembers the words.

    Saturday, March 16, 2019

    Did You Think to Pray - the rest of the hymn

    "Did You Think to Pray"

    Second Verse:
    Pictures that can help -

    • a heart with a frowny face or an angry looking child - 1st phrase
    • a child kneeling and praying - 2nd phrase
    • 2 children - 3rd phrase
    Third Verse:
    • picture of someone doing hard work
    • sad face or picture of a child crying
    • a picture of a perfume bottle or medicine bottle
    • a picture of a gate
    Sing each verse and then sing one line or phrase at a time with the children.  Remember that repetition is the "glue" that makes the words and meaning stick in the minds of children - and adults.

    Before singing the third verse, explain to the children what "balm of gilead" means.  It is a rare perfume/medicine from the gilead tree.  It was believed to cure all illnesses during biblical times. It is compared to Jesus who can save us all.

    • You can sing the chorus and then sing the first 2 phrases with the children a few times and then the last two phrases.
    • If you sing the chorus after each verse the children will learning quite easily.

    Saturday, March 9, 2019

    Did You Think to Pray first verse

    Hymns can be tricky to teach to young children.  Sometimes there are words in the hymn that aren't commonly used.  Read through the words and become familiar with the words and message so you can explain the meaning and define any words that might need explanation.

    "Did You Think to Pray," hymn # 140, is a perfect way to teach children, and adults, too, about prayer.

    I like to begin with the verse because the chorus will be easy as they repeat it after each verse.

    First verse:

    • Show a picture of a child kneeling by their bed. Sing "Ere you left your room this morning,"
    • Draw a "?" mark on a piece of paper. Every time you sing "Did you think to pray?" hold up the question mark.
    • Sing the whole first line using the picture and question mark.
    • Show a picture of Jesus and sing the next phrase.  Explain that we begin our prayers by saying Jesus, name.
    • Sing the next phrase.  Ask if anyone knows what the word "sue" means in this hymn.  Explain that the word has several different meanings but in this hymn it means to ask, plead, seek request, beg.  Sing the phrase again substituting one of the other words in place of "sue."
    • The last part of the phrase, "as a shield today" means that when we pray and ask Heavenly father to watch over us and protect us that it is a shield for us and a reminder to do what it right throughout the day. Draw a picture of a shield perhaps with the letters "C T R" on it.
    • Sing the verse several times using the visual prompts to help the children.

    Saturday, March 2, 2019

    I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus

    Many of the songs used in the Sacrament Program are repeated from year to year, so some of the children will already know the songs.  This year, 2019, the songs go along with the "Come Follow Me" church wide theme.

    "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus," p. 78, explains about many ways we can be like Jesus. 

    • Sing the first verse. (If the children know it, they can sing with you.)
    • Ask the children to tell what ways we can be like Jesus that are mentioned in the song.
      • You can list them on the board or
      • make word strips of the list: follow Him, love, listen, etc.
      • or just verbally share the list
    • Sing the second verse and repeat the same above activity.
      • Love my neighbor, serve my friends, etc.
    • The chorus has several ways to be like Jesus.
    Challenge the children to do at least one thing this week that Jesus would do and share it next week.

    Saturday, February 23, 2019


    Musicians that perform regularly are constantly reviewing music that they have learned - even pieces that they have learned years ago.  Reviewing is critical!

    So far this year (2019) we have learned 6 songs:
    Come, Follow Me
    A Child's Prayer
    Jesus Once Was a Little Child
    I Will Follow God's Plan
    He Sent His Son

    This week's theme could be "We Love to Sing Our Primary Songs."
    (You could continue this theme throughout this year for continuity.)

    • Cut out 6 red hearts large enough to print the song titles on each
    • Print each song title on each heart (one title per heart)
    • Place each heart on the board with the title facing the children
    • Sing each song
    • Ask the children which is their favorite
    • Take a vote for each song (let them vote for two of their favorites)
    • Place the hearts on the board according to how many votes each receives.
    • If time permits, sing them all again
    • Ask a few children why their chosen song is their favorite.
    If you are able, make note of several children's favorite song and mention it throughout the year.  Of course their favorites might change but children love to hear their names.  example:  "This is one of Susan's favorite songs" then sing the song.

    Saturday, February 16, 2019

    He Sent His Son

    "He Sent His Son," p. 34, asks a question and then answers it.  The following activity is great for reviewing it if your primary already know this song or if it's new.

    Prepare the following:

    • draw a large "question mark" (?) on 6 pieces of paper
    • find pictures of the following:
      • baby Jesus
      • Christ teaching/blessing others
      • Christ on the cross
      • scriptures or show a set of scriptures
      • Christ helping others
      • print "faith" and "hope" on a piece of paper
      • picture of Christ
    Hold a "?" up as you sing the question then show the picture that answers it.
    When you sing "What does the Father ask of us?" and "What do the scriptures say?" show the scriptures with the words "faith" and "hope" and then show the picture of Christ each time you sing live like His Son."

    The pictures will help the children remember the words as well as understand the meaning of the song.

    Saturday, February 2, 2019


    The baptism of Jesus is very important to learn about and this song, p. 100, does a perfect job.  Once they know this song (all verses), they will never forget it and it will be great blessing to the children throughout their lives.

    Begin by telling the children about John the Baptist, his birth and purpose.  Although he baptized many people, his main purpose was to baptize Jesus.

    • obtain several pictures of Christ being baptized
    • pictures of other people being baptized - anciently and modern day
    • write on the board or prepare a word strips of the words "HOW?" and "WHY?"
    1. Sing the first verse.  Show pictures of Christ. Point out that He was baptized in the Jordan River.
      1. How was He baptized?  Immersion
      2. Who baptized Him?  John the Baptist
      3. What authority did he have?  John was given priesthood authority to baptize.
    2. Sing the second verse.
      1. What did John the Baptist ask Jesus?  (Why He needed to be baptized - He was already perfect?)
      2. Why was He baptized?  Answer is in the 2nd verse
    3. Sing the third verse.  Show pictures of others being baptized.
      1. Why must we be baptized?  Answer in 3rd verse
    You may need two weeks to teach this song but remember that repetition is the best way to learn.

    Saturday, January 26, 2019

    Jesus Once Was a Little Child

    "Jesus Once Was a Little Child" p. 55, is a song sung by children for many years!  The theme this yer is "Come Follow Me," and this is the perfect song to introduce the children to becoming like Jesus and following Him.

    First verse:

    • make word strips of the following words (or you can write them on the board)
      • pure
      • mild
    Second verse:
    • make word strips of the following words (or you can write them on the board)
      • played
      • games
      • vexed
      • spoke the truth
    • Write "try" on 4 word strips
    Sing the first verse and hold up the words as you sing them (or point to them on the board).  You could also find a picture of Christ as a boy.  Have the children sing it with you 3 times.

    Sing the chorus and ask 4 children to hold up the word "try" as you sing.  Ask all the children to sing with you and choose 4 different children to to hold up the word strips each time you sing the chorus.

    Sing the second verse.  Ask if anyone knows what "vexed" means.  Explain its meaning. Hold up the words as you sing it again. Have the children sing it with you 3 times. 

    Sing the whole song.

      Saturday, January 12, 2019

      A Child's Prayer

      Last week's post was on ideas for teaching the Hymn, "Come Follow Me."   Hymns can be a little more difficult to learn for children but constant review will seal them in their minds so when we sing a hymn that they have learned in Sacrament meeting, their eyes will light up and they will sing along.

      Take time each week to review "Come Follow Me."  Challenge them and yourself to learn all verses.

      "A Child's Prayer" is a favorite of children once they know it.  They love singing the duet part.

      Choose two pictures of a child or children praying.  Use one picture for the first verse and the second for the second verse.  Use the same two pictures as you are learning the song.  The children will identify each verse with the picture.  Learn the first verse well.  Then learn the second verse just as well.

      When you sing the duet, hold the first verse picture for one side of the primary to sing and the other picture for the other side to sing.  Then switch sides.  the pictures will determine which verse is to be sung.