Saturday, March 30, 2019

General Conference Review

Review the songs that you learned this month, especially the songs with more than one verse.  Incorporate preparation for General Conference by using the following activity:

Sing "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus."

  • How can I be more like Jesus by listening/watching Conference?
  • What can I do to be more like Jesus during Conference?
Sing "Did You Think to Pray."
  • How does prayer help you prepare for Conference?
  • How does prayer help those who speak or sing in conference?
  • What can I pray for before I listen/watch Conference?
Sing "Tell Me the Stories of Jesus."
  • What can I learn about Jesus when I listen to Conference?
  • How can I help others learn about Jesus?
  • How can I be more like Jesus?

Saturday, March 23, 2019

"Tell Me the Stories of Jesus"

"Tell Me the Stories of Jesus," p. 57, has been sung by children for many years.  Read through the words and choose pictures that illustrate the stories that are mentioned in the song.

  • Jesus surrounded by children
  • Jesus by the sea
  • Jesus calming the tempest at sea
You can also use word strips to prompt the children.  

The 3rd verse uses words that the children probably won't be familiar with.
  • "Tell me, in accents of wonder, how rolled the sea," means: tell me all about the story of Jesus calming the sea.
  • "Chided the billow's and hushed the wind."  means: commanded the waves "billows" and the wind to be calm.
Always help the children to understand what they are singing.

If you are learning all 3 verses, be sure to review each week so everyone remembers the words.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Did You Think to Pray - the rest of the hymn

"Did You Think to Pray"

Second Verse:
Pictures that can help -

  • a heart with a frowny face or an angry looking child - 1st phrase
  • a child kneeling and praying - 2nd phrase
  • 2 children - 3rd phrase
Third Verse:
  • picture of someone doing hard work
  • sad face or picture of a child crying
  • a picture of a perfume bottle or medicine bottle
  • a picture of a gate
Sing each verse and then sing one line or phrase at a time with the children.  Remember that repetition is the "glue" that makes the words and meaning stick in the minds of children - and adults.

Before singing the third verse, explain to the children what "balm of gilead" means.  It is a rare perfume/medicine from the gilead tree.  It was believed to cure all illnesses during biblical times. It is compared to Jesus who can save us all.

  • You can sing the chorus and then sing the first 2 phrases with the children a few times and then the last two phrases.
  • If you sing the chorus after each verse the children will learning quite easily.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Did You Think to Pray first verse

Hymns can be tricky to teach to young children.  Sometimes there are words in the hymn that aren't commonly used.  Read through the words and become familiar with the words and message so you can explain the meaning and define any words that might need explanation.

"Did You Think to Pray," hymn # 140, is a perfect way to teach children, and adults, too, about prayer.

I like to begin with the verse because the chorus will be easy as they repeat it after each verse.

First verse:

  • Show a picture of a child kneeling by their bed. Sing "Ere you left your room this morning,"
  • Draw a "?" mark on a piece of paper. Every time you sing "Did you think to pray?" hold up the question mark.
  • Sing the whole first line using the picture and question mark.
  • Show a picture of Jesus and sing the next phrase.  Explain that we begin our prayers by saying Jesus, name.
  • Sing the next phrase.  Ask if anyone knows what the word "sue" means in this hymn.  Explain that the word has several different meanings but in this hymn it means to ask, plead, seek request, beg.  Sing the phrase again substituting one of the other words in place of "sue."
  • The last part of the phrase, "as a shield today" means that when we pray and ask Heavenly father to watch over us and protect us that it is a shield for us and a reminder to do what it right throughout the day. Draw a picture of a shield perhaps with the letters "C T R" on it.
  • Sing the verse several times using the visual prompts to help the children.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus

Many of the songs used in the Sacrament Program are repeated from year to year, so some of the children will already know the songs.  This year, 2019, the songs go along with the "Come Follow Me" church wide theme.

"I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus," p. 78, explains about many ways we can be like Jesus. 

  • Sing the first verse. (If the children know it, they can sing with you.)
  • Ask the children to tell what ways we can be like Jesus that are mentioned in the song.
    • You can list them on the board or
    • make word strips of the list: follow Him, love, listen, etc.
    • or just verbally share the list
  • Sing the second verse and repeat the same above activity.
    • Love my neighbor, serve my friends, etc.
  • The chorus has several ways to be like Jesus.
Challenge the children to do at least one thing this week that Jesus would do and share it next week.