Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mother's Day

I Often Go Walking:
Cut out one or more:
  • green clovers (shamrocks will do)
  • blue flowers
  • several different flower shapes (different colors)
  • bouquet of flowers (artificial, real or paper)
Idea 1
Have a child or a few children hold up:
  • the clover as you sing the first phrase.
  • blue flowers as you sing the second phrase.
  • several different flowers as you sing the third phrase.
  • bouquet of flowers as you sing the forth phrase.
Idea 2
Once they know the song:
  • 1st phrase - walk in place through the clover
  • 2nd phrase - play like you are gathering armfuls of blossoms
  • 3rd phrase - play like you are picking one flower at a time
  • 4th phrase - play like you are giving the bouquet to Mother
Idea 3
Trade every other phrase:
  • boys then girls
  • half the room then the other half
  • teachers then children
  • children then piano


  1. This is such a beautiful idea! Stephanie, thank you for your help!

  2. Wahoo! Welcome to blogging. I hope lots of people find your blog - I'd recommend it to our primary choirster but. . .well. . . you know.

  3. I used this idea on Mother's Day and the kids just loved it!
