Saturday, March 14, 2015

Jonah - "Follow the Prophet"

We all know the story of Jonah and the whale.  However, this verse is the most difficult for me because I have a tough time remembering what comes next in each line.  I like to have an simple action that will help the children remember a phrase.  However, words and/or pictures help as you teach them, especially to non-readers.  After they have sung the verse several times, try singing the verse without prompts - words or pictures, with just a few simple actions. 

As a teacher, you must know the verse or song very well.  This will be the biggest help to the children.  Here are two examples to use in teaching this verse:
Example 1:
Jonah was a prophet, tried to run away, 
(use "tried to run away" as a word prompt or footprints for non-readers, or look like you are running)

But he later learned to listen and obey
(word prompt - but he later or a picture of an ear or put your hand to your ear as if listening)

When we really try, the Lord won't let us fail:
(word prompt - when we really try or picture of Jonah on the beach and the whale swimming off or use an action of winning a game or good job)

That's what Jonah learned deep down inside the whale.
(word prompt - that's what Jonah learned or point to your brain then point down as if pointing down into the sea)

Example 2:
You can write the verse on the board and erase  2 or 3 words each time you sing it until all the words are erased.

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