Saturday, October 29, 2016

Candy Corn Singing Time

October Fun

Choose 10 favorite songs that the children love to sing.  Many of them will be from this year's program.  Be sure to add some "wiggle/action" songs.

Below are patterns for candy corn (popular this time of year).
Cut out 20 and color them like candy corn, print them on colored paper - orange, yellow and white or print the colored corn.

Laminate them if you want to use them again next year.

Tape or write the names of the songs on 10 of the candy corn.

The theme this month is "prayer."  Write or tape a question mark on the last 10 pieces of corn.  If they choose one of these candy corn, as them to tell how saying prayers has helped them or relate a scripture story about prayer - prayer in Gethsemane, Joseph Smith's first prayer, the Lord's prayer, etc.

Let a child choose a candy corn.  Sing the song or answer the question.

If you would like to draw a large bowl on the board and tape the corn on the board to fill the bowl.  Try to get all 20 pieces in the bowl.

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