Friday, July 13, 2018

Pioneers Yesterday and Today

A pioneer is one who first discovers a place, area, land and makes it possible to develop.

We refer to the people we settled in Salt Lake City as the early pioneers of the Church of Latter-Day Saints.  It was a desert and they made it "blossom like a rose."  It was hard work, but they made it their home.

Now we have a world-wide church with many pioneers of today.  They may not have discovered a new land but the church is "blossoming" all over the word with "pioneers" who work hard to do missionary work and serve in wards and branches.

Choose a few pioneer songs in the Primary Songbook.  Talk about the challenges the children had as they walked across the plains and then made their home in a desert. 

What sacrifices do we make today to help our church grow?

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