Saturday, January 26, 2013

Snowman Review

The more children (and adults for that matter) sing a song, the more it becomes apart of them.  The trick in reviewing one song is to keep the children focused on an activity so they don't realize that they are singing the song several times.

Cut out 3 circles out of white paper - one large, one medium and one small for the head of the snowman.  Cut a hat out out of black or another color.  Cut out several black circles for eyes and mouth, and a few for the buttons down the front of the snowman.  An orange carrot for the nose and a colorful scarf will be needed.  Sticks for the arms and a shovel or broom for him to hold are optional.  Choose several phrases from the 4 verses of  "I Am a Child of God" and print them on individual slips of paper. 

Tell the children that they are going to build a snowman.  Have a child pick a slip of paper and read the phrase.  Decide what verse it comes from, then sing that verse.  Choose another child to put up a piece of the snowman.  If you only have time for singing each verse once, make sure there are only 4 pieces to the snowman or put up a few pieces to the snowman to ensure he is complete by the end of singing/sharing time..  You can sing only the verse and save the chorus to sing at the end.  That way you will have more time to sing the verses several times and use more pieces to the snowman.

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