Friday, July 5, 2013

A Child's Prayer

The song for this month is "A Child's Prayer," p. 12.  This has been a favorite of mine since it was published some 30 years ago.  It has been used in several Primary Sacrament Meeting programs, as well.  If your primary is just learning it, here are some helps.

Every time you sing "Heavenly Father, Father, pray or prayer," fold your arms or place palms together as if praying.
"Do you hear and answer . . ."  put your hand to your ear as if listening
". . . heaven is far away"  place open hand above eyes as if looking far away
"I remember now"  point to your mind
"Jesus told disciples . . ."  use a picture of Jesus and his disciples
"Suffer the children . . ."  picture of Christ with children

I don't always like the children to do all the actions during a performance, so as they become more familiar with the words, take out one action at a time until they can sing it without any prompts.

Make sure that you sing this verse through more than 3 times so that it will "stick" in their minds.  Repetition is one of the best learning tools!

Tip: Review this year's program songs by singing them for opening and closing songs.

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