Saturday, July 13, 2013

Be Prepared!

Recently, I was asked how to maintain reverence among energetic children.  My best answer is BE PREPARED!!!  Many primaries have singing time for about 15 to 20 minutes.  Some incorporate singing with sharing time.  I, personally like the block of time because we can sing a song several times, work on sections or have time to play a singing game.  But, whatever time you have, you must be prepared!  Here is a list of helps for a music leader:
  • Know the song or songs - memorized.  When you have the songs memorized, you can keep an eye on everyone.  You can see if the children are understanding the words, singing them correctly and if they are "zoning out."
  • Have a plan.  When you have a plan as to how you are going to use your time, things will run more smoothly -- note: I didn't say perfectly - that rarely happens.
  • Choose activities that will help the children learn and memorize the songs.  Keep them age appropriate.  Remember, not all children in primary can read.
  • ALWAYS have a contingency plan.  If the children aren't responding well to your "plan A,"  your safety net is "plan B."  Also, you may have a little extra time and it's nice to have a little extra planned.
  • Be energetic.  If you love what you do and love the children, they will know and respond back.  The reverse is true, as well.
  • Sing more than you talk.  If everyone is singing, there is less chance of children loosing interest.  Singing time is just that -- SING!
  • If you use visual aids, make sure that they are big enough so the back row can see.
  • It's a good idea to talk with the primary president and ask that the presidency and teachers sing during singing time rather than visit.  Example is powerful!
  • Enjoy yourself - it's contagious!

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