Saturday, September 14, 2013

Remember the Fun Songs

Our Primary Sacrament Meeting Program is tomorrow and I'm glad to be able to sing some other songs . . . and so are the children.  Now is a good time to sing the Autumn songs: p. 247, 246 and 241 (use leaves instead of rain).  The 7th section in the Children's Songbook has many action songs that all the children love to sing. 

Choose some favorites and put the titles on the back of autumn-colored leaves.  Draw a tree on the board and tape the leaves to the tree.  Ask a child to pick a leaf, then sing the song.  Continue until you are out of time.  It never hurts to have extra songs in case you need them.  Also, the tree looks fuller.

Remember to end singing time with a reverent song to create a calm atmosphere.

1 comment:

  1. Your Primary sacrament meeting yesterday was wonderful. It was fun to watch you lead the children
