Saturday, September 7, 2013

What Is the Message to Me?

Don't let them become bored!  As we draw near to the Primary Sacrament Program, do your best to help the children love the songs, not become bored.
  • Make a list of all the classes on a chart or blackboard - sunbeams, 4-5 year-olds, etc.
  • Write the name of each song for the program on a small piece of paper:
  • Place the song titles in a basket, bag or similar container
Ask a child to draw a piece of paper.  Write the first song chosen next to the first class, the second song drawn to the next class until all the songs have been drawn. If you run out of songs, have two classes do the same song.

Now explain that each song has a special message for each of us that will help us in some way, for instance:
  • "I Am a Child of God" - Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from?
  • "Heavenly Father Loves Me" - Helps me to be thankful for everything around me
  • "I Can Be Valiant" - Gives me courage to stand up for what I believe.
Ask each class to tell what the song chosen for their class means to them. Teachers may help. Sing the song.
Allow the classes time to think of their response - 2 or 3 minutes.  Each song can have several messages, so if two classes do the same song, their responses should be different.

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