Friday, January 3, 2014

Be Prepared!

The songs that our primary will be singing throughout the year and for the Primary Sacrament Meeting are listed below.  The * songs are suggested in the 2014 Sharing Time Outline.  Our primary has chosen songs for each month's theme and then we sing them in the program in the fall.

*He Sent His Son p. 34
*I Will Follow God's Plan p. 164
*I Stand All Amazed # 193
*The Family of God
Latter-day Prophets p. 134
Love Is Spoken Here p. 190
*Baptism p. 100
*Seek the Lord Early p. 108
I Want to Live the Gospel p. 148
Happy Family p. 198
Jesus Is My Shepherd
Did Jesus Really Live Again p. 64

In preparation for the coming year, I have a paper for the teachers with all the words to the songs that we will be singing.  This is especially helpful to me as I learn the songs.  I also give the pianist a list so she/he can be prepared.  Read the 2014 Outline so you can support the themes and emphasize stories, scriptures and lessons each month through the music.  

The best suggestion I can give to anyone teaching children and youth is BE PREPARED ! ! !  Prayerfully prepare and plan each week.  It shows when you are prepared and the spirit can touch the lives of the children when you do your part.

NOTE: On page 26 & 27 in the 2014 Sharing Time Outline, there are some great ideas and suggestions to help teach each song.  


  1. You will sing all 12 songs then in the program? You guys don't go over time with 12 songs? I wasn't sure how many songs to pick for our Primary.

  2. My little 4 year old grand daughter sang "I Am a Child of God" with 6 of her classmates - the first verse. Then sat down in the audience where I never saw her again in the program.

    When parents and grandparents make a special effort to see there little ones sing, they want to see them more than 15 seconds. Our 2013 program ended with 9 minutes to spare. We had several children give one-line comments and 3 or 4 gave talks that they had given in primary closing exercises - about 1 to 2 minutes. The entire primary sang 12 songs in between the speaking parts. All the children were able to sit on the stand. Singing all those songs gave the children a sense of unity and they all felt a very big part of the program. The biggest perk to singing all those songs is that when they are all singing they aren't being a distraction plus parents and grandparents see their silly, cute, naughty, sweet child throughout the entire program.

    I time the music at the beginning of the year, we keep track of talks the children give throughout the year that particularly go with the theme and save them for the program. We then figure out how much time we have for speaking parts and adjust the program to allow for all the songs.
