Saturday, August 15, 2015

Choosing Sticks

As I have watched over the many years that I've served in Primary, many children are chosen to help while a few never get a chance.  Some of the "ugly truths" that I've seen are: children of parents serving in the Primary  and disruptive children are chosen far more than the rest, particularly the quiet and shy children.

The best way to prevent "favoritism" is simple.  Purchase a bag of popsicle sticks (craft sticks, tongue depressors, etc) - it is well worth the investment!  Write the names of each child in Primary on a stick.  I like to separate them into junior and senior Primary - a jar for each.  Make a few "visitor" sticks, also.

When you need help from a child, choose from the sticks and you will find the children will find it to be more fair.  It will be easier for you so you don't have to remember who was chosen and who wasn't.  Also, if you have a large Primary, don't put the sticks back into the container each week.  Set aside the ones chosen this week and choose from the jar until all have been chosen then return all the sticks to the jar and begin again.

No one is left out and that is fair . . . and Christ-like!

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